Sunday, March 25, 2018


Children with Siblings
                                     How they interact with each other.

  1. Are we teaching them well?
  2. Are we observant of their behavior?
  3. Are we turning a blind ear to what is being said?

I ask these questions because of what I observed.
Well no, I do not hold a degree in Child Psychology.
Do we need one to teach children basic values?
Absolutely no!
What we need is to be aware of their words that emanate from their mouth.

Please share your thoughts and opinion on this topic!

Have a Happy and Healthy Pesach /Passover
March 30th  to April 7th 2018

Have a Happy and Healthy Easter
April 1  2018

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

2018 March Events

2018 March
Saint Patrick‘s Day 17th

March 17, 2018, Saint Patrick's Day, or the Feast of Saint Patrick, is a cultural and religious celebration. Feast day of Saint Patrick, commemoration of the arrival of Christianity in Ireland.


Also called: Feast of Saint Patrick, Patrick's Day, Lá Fheile Pádraig, (St) Paddy's Day, (St) Patty's Day.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

2018 March Events

2018 March

World Wildlife   March 3rd
International Women’s Day  8th
World Kidney Day   8th
Saint Patrick‘s Day 17th
First Day Spring   20th
World Poetry Day   21st
World Water Day 22nd
National Puppy Day 23rd
Earth Day 24th 
Palm Sunday 25th
Passover  begins at sundown 30th
Women's History Month

National Nutrition Month

Irish – American Heritage Month

American Red Cross Month

Fruit & Veggies for the Month of March


Red Banana

Canistel (EggFruit)



Kiwano Melon


March Flower   

Daffodil  -Narcissus 

Daffodil - Easter Lily

March Birthstone

Word Puzzle - Brain Teaser